Tablet not responding

Gepostet etwa 2 Jahre her von Simon Smith

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Hi, I'm using a Pepper that other people used to manage a couple of years ago. I'm not sure about the state of the software on the robot, but it recognises faces and respond to movements. Also, I have been able to run simple programs through Choreographe. I have had the robot change LED colours and present an image on the tablet. My problems are:

- The tablet is on the "bubbles" animation and does not respond to touch (the touch on the tablet  does work as I tested it with Choreograph).

- The version of NAOqi is, I tried to update through the web interface, but it says everything is up to date, and I can't update to 2.9 (and the instructions say to use the tablet for it)

- I can't install some missions that are supposed to work on NAOqi 2.5 on the Pepper (Airport check-in,  for example), but the website client command centre says: the selected robot is not compatible with the available version of the mission.

Should I do a factory reset and expect the robot and the tablet to be updated to current versions? Is an app missing from the robot that does not allows me to interact with the tablet?

Thank you!


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Lukas Brandt

Lukas Brandt gepostet etwa 2 Jahre her

Hello Simon,

Your Pepper is a Python Pepper, which is programmed with Choregraphe. The latest NAOqi version for the Python Pepper is 2.5. If you want to update the robot to 2.9, you will then have an Android Pepper that you have to program via Android Studio.

I assume you have logged in with your account on the Command Center portal, which is used for the Android Pepper.

Log in once on the Aldebaran Cloud. Here you can manage the Python version of your robot and assign apps from the store.

The "bubbles" are displayed by default on the tablet if you do not display anything via your behaviour. Here you can display an image, for example, there is a box for that. 

If you want to work with the tablet, you have to create an html folder for it in the project. Pepper runs a web server that can be accessed from outside and from the tablet. You can then display your HTML page on the tablet:

If you want to collaborate with your programme, e.g. by using the memory key system, you can use the JavaScript interface:

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Devices gepostet etwa 2 Jahre her

same issue here

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