Connect to server problem with RobotSettings

Gepostet fast 2 Jahre her von Tuomo.naskali

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I'm having the same issue as this guy:

WIth Nao v5, RobotSettings says "Can't connect to server" after choosing the right wifi network. Any ideas how to proceed?

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Aurelie. iglesis gepostet über 1 Jahr her


Could you put the naoqi 2.1.4 system image back online? The wetransfer link has now expired.

Thank you in advance.

Have a nice day!

0 Stimmen


Tuomo.naskali gepostet fast 2 Jahre her


I invite you first to download the system image naoqi 2.1.4 and the flasher tool here:

Then please follow those instructions:


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Tuomo.naskali gepostet fast 2 Jahre her

For me, the technical support advised to reset the whole robot, because even with internet cable connected, it does not find the store...

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Peter.rupp gepostet fast 2 Jahre her

The technical support advised me to reset the rooter and connecting it via cable to the internet while performing the initial setup and update. For me this helped! They explained, that it has to do with a defect head battery ... Good luck!

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Comerzzia gepostet fast 2 Jahre her

Is there any solution available?

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Peter.rupp gepostet fast 2 Jahre her

I have the same problem. Is there any solution available?

0 Stimmen


Peter.rupp gepostet fast 2 Jahre her

I have the same issue - our NAO can not contact the server/App Store. 

Any solution for this problem available?

2 Stimmen

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