Disinstallare "Robot Setting" Setup versione 2.8.6

Posted over 1 year ago by Ivana.dimaria05

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Un Answered

Buonasera, ho installato per sbaglio "Robot Setting" Setup versione 2.8.6 per un progetto scolastico, dovrei disinstallarlo.

ma a causa delle impostazioni messe dall'organizzazione non riesco a disinstallarla, invio in allegato la foto.

In attesa di un vostro riscontro, cordiali saluti

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Soztag-lab posted about 1 month ago

 Hi sry to hear that (?) The support didnt helped? Kind regards and at Service, T.B

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Ivana.dimaria05 posted about 1 month ago

Salve,no,il mio problema non è stato ancora risolto

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Soztag-lab posted about 1 month ago

 Wanted to ask, if your problem is solved? Kind regards and at Service, T.B

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Soztag-lab posted about 1 month ago

Hello, first of all

Much greetings to Italy!(?)

is your problem already solved? Kind regards, TB for NCT Nürnberg

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