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com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: ID "com.softbank.robot.sdkplugin.sdk.manager.actions.ShowSdkManagerAction" is already taken by action "Robot SDK Manager (Robot SDK Manager)" (Plugin: Pepper SDK). Action "Robot SDK Manager (Robot SDK Manager)" (Plugin: Pepper SDK) cannot use the same ID [Plugin: com.softbank.robot.sdkplugin]...
2022-09-01 16:08:11 ERROR ActionManagerImpl:220 - JDK: 11.0.12; VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM; Vendor: Oracle Corporation
2022-09-01 16:08:11 ERROR ActionManagerImpl:223 - OS: Windows 10
2022-09-01 16:08:11 ERROR ActionManagerImpl:229 - Plugin to blame: Pepper SDK version: 1.5.2
2022-09-01 16:08:11 ERROR ActionManagerImpl:237 - Last Action:
2022-09-01 16:08:11 ERROR ActionManagerImpl:213 - ID "com.softbank.robot.sdkplugin.robot.emulator.launch.LaunchEmulatorAction" is already taken by action "Emulator (Launch emulator)" (Plugin: Pepper SDK). Action "Emulator (Launch emulator)" (Plugin: Pepper SDK) cannot use the same ID [Plugin: com.softbank.robot.sdkplugin]
com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: ID "com.softbank.robot.sdkplugin.robot.emulator.launch.LaunchEmulatorAction" is already taken by action "Emulator (Launch emulator)" (Plugin: Pepper SDK). Action "Emulator (Launch emulator)" (Plugin: Pepper SDK) cannot use the same ID [Plugin: com.softbank.robot.sdkplugin]
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2 Stimmen
7 Kommentare
Pierre Nocera gepostet über 1 Jahr her
I get the same errors on Ubuntu 22.04 / Android Studio BumbleBee 2021.1.1 patch 3
Is there at least a workaround ? downgrade the Plugin version ?
Couldn't the plugin simply be made opensource so we could fix it by ourselves ?
0 Stimmen
S. Scholz gepostet fast 2 Jahre her
Is this problem still not solved yet? I have the same issue under windows 11.
0 Stimmen
Rbray2 gepostet etwa 2 Jahre her
Hi Edgar,
Thank you for your reply! Funnily enough, I decided yesterday to do the same thing after seeing this post https://support.unitedrobotics.group/support/discussions/topics/80000657899. It's working pretty well on my Ubuntu 22.04 with minor bugs. Seems like they aren't really working on it, which is weird since it looks like it's been a problem for so long.
0 Stimmen
Edgar.baake gepostet etwa 2 Jahre her
Hi Rob,
to be fair, I wouldn't be able to tell, but I can't imagine Aldebaran seriously working on this. My workaround eventually consisted of installing a Linux (Mint) partition where the Pepper SDK Emulator works like a charm. In case you're not a Linux guy - some distributions are really easy to handle nowadays and frankly, the hassle with setting up a small partition is negligible in comparison with the time I spent troubleshooting the original issue.
0 Stimmen
Rbray2 gepostet etwa 2 Jahre her
Has this been resolved yet? I have had the same issue for a while now.
2 Stimmen
Edgar.baake gepostet über 2 Jahre her
Hello Clement,
I appreciate your quick response, even though it doesn't quite reduce the initial frustration you adequately diagnosed above.
You are correct with your assessment of the situation, however you will understand that using pepper for development purposes is quite a nuisance and a quick emulation of fresh code is much more viable, particularly since working from home is very much en vogue these days.
I would love for Aldebaran to at least hint towards potential error causes. Since this issue does not affect everybody, I suppose there has to be a feasible workaround that does not involve hacking the pepper SDK.
2 Stimmen
Clement Portales gepostet über 2 Jahre her Administrator
Hello Edgar,
I understand your frustration, unfortunately there is currently no resources in Aldebaran to work on a fix. It is a known issue however and it will be looked into when time and resources allow it.
However, I understand that you have a Pepper available, would it be possible for you to use the real pepper as a workaround for the emulator problem ?
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