Linux - Pepper Emulator - Android Studio Post Installation Steps

Gepostet über 2 Jahre her von Lukas Brandt

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Unfortunately, the emulator for Pepper only works reliably under Linux, but unfortunately not out of the box here either. After the regular installation, a few more steps are required to get the emulator running reliably.

I am using Ubuntu 22.04.1 at this time and cannot guarantee that it will run on other distributions.

  1. Install Android Studio and Follow the Steps on the getting started page -> QiSDK Getting Started
  2. Install KVM
    • sudo apt install qemu-kvm

  3. Add yourself to the kvm group
    • sudo adduser yourusername kvm

  4. Relink the correct libraries
    1. Navigate to the API lib folder
      • cd /home/$USER/.local/share/Softbank Robotics/RobotSDK/API 7/tools/lib

    2. Back up the old library
      • mv

    3. Relink the System one 
      • ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

  5. Restart Android Studio & start the Emulator

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S. Scholz gepostet etwa 1 Jahr her

thank you for these instructions for Linux 

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