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I am trying to create, update or extend a map with Pepper, using the application MapLocalize&Move. I open the app, select "SETUP MODE" and then "LOCALIZE & MAP" option. Subsequently, the following screen is displayed:
After few seconds, the action is interrupted and the following screen appears:
I have tried to 'Retry', but I get same result. In the Logcat of Android Studio I get the following warning:
Uncaught exception on Future: Cannot run LocalizeAndMap because another Localize or LocalizeAndMap is running.
com.aldebaran.qi.QiException: Cannot run LocalizeAndMap because another Localize or LocalizeAndMap is running.
MSILocalizeAndMapHelper W LocalizeAndMap finished with error:
com.aldebaran.qi.QiException: Cannot run LocalizeAndMap because another Localize or LocalizeAndMap is running.
... at com.softbankrobotics.maplocalizeandmove.Utils.LocalizeAndMapHelper.lambda$localizeAndMap$10$LocalizeAndMapHelper(LocalizeAndMapHelper.java:203)
I have used this application before and have not had any problems. It’s been several months since I last used it, but this is the first time this has happened to me. I have tried to: delete the existing map file, delete the Maps folder, delete the app and install it again, change the app version from the command center, restart the robot and try on another robot I work with and none of that has changed the result.
I wonder if someone has experienced the same problem and has found a solution.
Thanks in advance.
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1 Kommentare
Alicia Rodríguez gepostet über 1 Jahr her
After two days without working the app, today suddenly it works.
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