Can't use ALAnimatedSpeech with Naoqi 2.1.4

Gepostet 8 Monate her von Milosoulardgeii

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I'm trying to get my NAO robot to move while he's talking to bring him to life during demonstrations, but the programme doesn't work. He talks while remaining immobile.  

    configuration = {"bodyLanguageMode":"contextual"}

    sentence = "Hello! ^start(animations/Sit/BodyTalk/BodyTalk_1) Nice to meet you!"

    tts2 = ALProxy("ALAnimatedSpeech", nao_ip, nao_port)

    tts2.say(sentence, configuration)

    emotion=["BodyTalk_1","animations/Sit/BodyTalk/BodyTalk_1","animation","body language"]

    tts2.say("Hello! ^start(animations/Sit/BodyTalk/BodyTalk_1) Nice to meet you!")

    tts2.say('^start({emotion}) {message} ^wait({emotion})"'.format(emotion=emotion,message="Hello nice to meet you ",),)

What am I doing wrong ?

Help and thank you very much.

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